What do Investors value in a Searcher?
What do investors value in a Searcher? A search fund is an entrepreneurial path undertaken by one or two individuals, the “searchers”, who form an investment vehicle with a small [...]
Put a Searcher in your Business
Put a Searcher in your Business Many ageing baby boomers would like to find a young executive with MBA, languages and very well prepared, as young as they were when [...]
Keys to Search Fund performance
Keys to Search Fund performance This article explains the four keys to Search Fund performance and to such impressive returns for the investor. No other asset generates such a high [...]
5 bubbles and 1 opportunity
5 bubbles and 1 opportunity The Economy and financial markets have been fueled by the gasoline of cheap credit and the oil of financial engineering. Ultra-low interest rates have boosted corporate profits [...]
5 bubbles and 1 opportunity
5 bubbles and 1 opportunity The Economy and financial markets have been fueled by the gasoline of cheap credit and the oil of financial engineering. Ultra-low interest rates have boosted corporate profits [...]
The searcher: the triathlete in the corporate world
The Searcher: the triathlete in the corporate world What is a Search company? A Search company is when a young professional, between 30 and 45 years old, with solid training, professional experience, and [...]